I just recently purchased Windowblinds, and I've been perusing through wincustomize for a couple of days now. It wasn't until then that I realized how many different programs there are for changing the look of one's computer. I then realized that every program costs money, except the logon program, and a lot of people on here have all the programs. After looking at all of these, I realize some people spend $80 or more to have all this customization.
My question is this: why spend so much money on these programs when a majority of the functionality of those can be done via Litestep (maybe with other shell replacements, but I've never used any others besides Litestep)? Now, I'm not trying to take money out of the pockets of the creators of said programs, but I just don't understand it, hence asking the question. Litestep is completely free and completely customizable. It can do anything (as far as I know) that DesktopX, Hoverdesk, ObjectDock, and several other programs can do, so I'm just curious to know if I'm missing something. Anything beyond Litestep, Windowblinds, and CursorXP seems superfluous to me. Am I just crazy?