I've never skinned anything besides Litestep and 1 Winamp skin (to go with my Litestep theme). I'm sure I'll be venturing out into other things eventually, but I'm "old school" and love my Litestep. Plus it's free. ha ha
Published on January 27, 2008 By precedented In WinCustomize Talk
I just recently purchased Windowblinds, and I've been perusing through wincustomize for a couple of days now. It wasn't until then that I realized how many different programs there are for changing the look of one's computer. I then realized that every program costs money, except the logon program, and a lot of people on here have all the programs. After looking at all of these, I realize some people spend $80 or more to have all this customization.
My question is this: why spend so much money on these programs when a majority of the functionality of those can be done via Litestep (maybe with other shell replacements, but I've never used any others besides Litestep)? Now, I'm not trying to take money out of the pockets of the creators of said programs, but I just don't understand it, hence asking the question. Litestep is completely free and completely customizable. It can do anything (as far as I know) that DesktopX, Hoverdesk, ObjectDock, and several other programs can do, so I'm just curious to know if I'm missing something. Anything beyond Litestep, Windowblinds, and CursorXP seems superfluous to me. Am I just crazy?
on Jan 27, 2008
If you buy the ObjectDesktop bundle, it saves you, well, a bundle of money. $40 at least. And yes, you are crazy. (the last statement is base on no actual data, just answering a question, it was a toss up between yes or no  and I err on the side of bad judgement) 
on Jan 27, 2008
I find it doubtful that Litestep can do everything Stardock's programs can. DesktopX is awesome just to take one example. You can make Windows XP widgets with it, you can make Windows Vista Sidebar gadgets with it, and you can make a fully customized Desktop with that one program alone. Window Blinds, DesktopX, Object Bar and Icon Packager, just four of the core components of Object Desktop, are the top in customization software.    
on Jan 27, 2008
There's still a few around here using Litestep.....Jafo mentions it frequently so he could probably give you the differences in function as well as anyone. I think the main reasons to go with the Stardock products vs. Litestep are #1 The programs are for the most part idiot proof and don't require a poweruser's talents to function and #2 the amount of new (quality) skins being produced. I only see maybe half a dozen decent Litestep themes show up every year. There are at least that many per month in Windowblinds, DX and Object Dock.
on Jan 27, 2008

If you have the time and experience you can do 'anything' in Litestep.  Arguably Stardock's range of products do it 'better'.

For starters there is 'no' customer support for Litestep...you sink or swim alongside your fellow users.  Much of LS is like [still in] the early days of skinning....cutting edge seat-of-your-pants experimentation.

As to "am I just crazy?"  Yes, 'steppers often are....

on Jan 27, 2008
Ha ha. I meant "Am I crazy, because I think this?" I already know I'm crazy in general. LoL

Looking through 5 pages of the top downloaded DesktopX objects, I've surmized that I can recreate anything I've seen through modules in Litestep (mainly xlabel.dll). Also, the entire purpose of Litestep is to make an enirely customizable desktop, so I don't get your point there.

You have a VERY good point about the idiot proof. Litestep is not for the the install-and-go kind of person. You also make a good point about the lack of themes for Litestep. Being someone who programs all of his own themes, I didn't think about the fact that not everyone wants to go through that same trouble.

So it seems to me that it just comes down to the path of least resistance and ease of use. Now I understand. Thanks.
on Jan 27, 2008
Man, you just snuck that comment in there, didn't you? LoL
That is true about the lack of customer support. I start theming Litestep about 9 years ago, when the community was bustling with themers and people ready to help out. I see how it would be very difficult to start in Litestep nowadays.
on Jan 27, 2008
I didn't think about the fact that not everyone wants to go through that same trouble.

I believe the last few years Stardock has been trying to make customization "mainstream" and the only way to accomplish that is to make it "Idiot Proof" and provide content so the average user doesn't have to do any "skinning" or scripting. I still remember back to the time my mother told me she has been using the CD tray as a cup holder.

Wincustomize is all about the skinning community so you're very welcome here. We do have a Litestep Gallery and original works are always wanted.
on Jan 27, 2008
Looking through 5 pages of the top downloaded DesktopX objects, I've surmized that I can recreate anything I've seen through modules in Litestep (mainly xlabel.dll). Also, the entire purpose of Litestep is to make an enirely customizable desktop, so I don't get your point there.

@ precedented

I think what I'm trying to say is Object Desktop does everything Litestep does and more. My Colors is Stardock's latest in point and click desktop transformation for the mass consumer. Object Desktop though allows you to get into the nuts and bolts of custom graphics and scripting as well as providing built in plugins and dlls for fast desktop creation. I've never tried Litestep but, I think everyone can relate to a favorite pair of shoes. And, for you that sounds like Litestep. For me it's Object Desktop. Glad you're here.  
on Jan 27, 2008
It's been years since I used Litestep but, it really is only functional to use for power users who know what they're doing. The same can be said for Linux to some degree.

Without a doubt I can tell you Litestep can't do all the DesktopX can do, nor can any other scripting environment that I know of.

Being able to create a gadget(Pro version) and send it off to family/friends who...to be kind are slightly lacking in computer skills is refreshing. Not to mention I'm able to build my own USB desktops to take with me. Don't know of any VWM that gives you that flexibility, in fact that would be a neat sub project for window blinds IMO.

A couple other things I think are key include development, support and community. As you see Stardock products and Wincustomize are flourishing. The potential to eventually (at the very least) pay for your hobby, earn some extra cash and for some make a living is very alluring.
on Jan 27, 2008
Well I definitely understand it now. Thanks, everyone. Also thanks for the warm welcome.

Also, to BigDogBigFeet: I love my pair of shoes, because they were free. Ha ha
on Jan 27, 2008
As an aside . . renewing saves a bit of $$ after initial subscription so every year it's worth more (more, better, apps + support).

I've tried tons of shells (well . . nto that many) over the years and I think that Stardock's products on top of the standard Windows shell is both easy to use and easy to customize.  It's enough for me. 

Havign said all that . .there is a Litestep gallery here that you can download from and upload to.  We'd (well . . "I'd" be more correct) love to see that section reinvigorated.    
on Jan 28, 2008
Well, once I've completely tweaked my current Litestep theme, I'll upload it.
on Jan 28, 2008
I ran in to WB trying to customize what LiteStep couldn't cover, the icons and windows.I had run both WB and LS together for a long time. Slowly I reverted back to Explorer as I became to enjoy the full line of stardock products.

LSdev has slowed to a stop and I for see no real Reinvigoration in the "LSdev/skinning" community. Not to mention, Im not even sure if its Vista compatible (it's been a while since ive seen the site or delved in to the builds). I still play with LS but its purely as a hobby now..

The Stardock Suite of programs is by far the most comprehensive and safest way to go. Also unlike most free apps, the support and development is constant. Not to mention the Skinners are constantly building new and fun stuff to play with.. $ for $ you wont find a better buy for your cash.

#1. The Yearly subscription keeps the development perpetual.
#2. SD is one of the oldest, most trusted Customization companies on the net.
#3. You get a bunch of programs that are way worth more than what they cost.
#4. The SD staff are among the most helpful and easy to talk to folks..They will bend over backwards to help,(Zubaz just likes to bend backwards tho.. he's odd )
#5 Your $ help support a great site.
on Jan 28, 2008
First I bought cursorXP, that was many years ago. Then Windowblinds was my interest, so I bought that. I then bought wincustomize last year. I have used this site since 2001 and can tell you I didn't really think about buying the program as a whole. At $40.00 or so I could have had it all. I can tell you each thing was tried as a freeware download to see if I would like it. I was a visitor here for years before I purchased my first item and that was listed above. I just downloaded MyColors and don't like it at all really, it looks awful on my computer and it doesn't work like any program I have, so it will hit the "Trash" very soon if I keep looking at it and finding it doesn't suit me. I think most buy what they like after they try it. I can do plenty for my computer with what I do have and don't need to "have it all" as they say. Everyone has different ideas as to what they want to do with the computer and how great they are at creating something to give back. I personally don't have the skills to create things for this website but having the programs to make my computer look good is what the idea is and was. Thanks to Stardock and Wincustomize for a great bunch of programs. I say buy the whole program. Pay the money, it was just my choice to purchase what I wanted. I am happy.