I've never skinned anything besides Litestep and 1 Winamp skin (to go with my Litestep theme). I'm sure I'll be venturing out into other things eventually, but I'm "old school" and love my Litestep. Plus it's free. ha ha
Published on January 30, 2008 By precedented In Stardock Software
I tried to upload a Litestep theme, but it keeps saying my file isn't uploading, because I have to submit a skin file. Uhmmmm... Litestep doesn't have a skin file. I did, however, put an .lsz file and a .jpg screenshot file. It goes through the little progress bar of uploading it, but afterwards, it says it's processing. After that, it says it failed to upload. I tried it twice, and it did it both times. Any idea what's happening? Or does nobody care, because it's Litestep? LoL
on Jan 30, 2008
Zip everything up.  That should work
Also, if https://www.wincustomize.com/upload2.aspx doesn't work you can try https://www.wincustomize.com/upload.aspx
on Apr 16, 2009

I can't update demi god it says that i need to login, but iam logined I am missing something?